
使用您的Apple ID登录iOS应用程序,网站等




The main difference between Sign In with Apple and Facebook’s or Google’s similar services is that Apple maintains that it will keep your information completely private while you sign in. Neither Apple nor the developers of the apps or sites you use your Apple login for will get access to any of your data. Your social logins tend to have personal information attached to them and can be tracked to see what sites you’re visiting and apps you’re using. Apple has decided to make its system un-trackable and private.




与Apple的签名是iOS 13的一部分,并将与您的iPad,Apple Watch和Mac计算机合作,于2019年6月在WWDC宣布。此外,苹果说,它可以通过Web技术轻松实现,这意味着它可能会在其他设备(想想Android应用程序和PC)上显示。


Apple表示,您的Apple ID登录将创建独特的随机ID,而不是使用社交帐户或使用电子邮件作为验证。如果应用程序或网站索要您的电子邮件,则可以分享您的真实电子邮件或将其隐藏在随机生成的电子邮件后面。

根据美国有线电视新闻网, when using a compatible app, you’ll first verify using Face ID or Touch ID on your iPhone (and go through two-factor authentication if your Apple ID has that enabled), then you’ll see an option to tap a Sign In with Apple button or enter your email address as usual. This makes sure that your login info is secure and private while also making sure you can’t be tracked online from your social logins via Facebook or Google. While Apple only showed this working on an iPhone, you’ll likely be able to do the same thing from your Apple Watch, iPad, and Mac.

这有点技术,但是TechCrunch说非应用程序应用程序可能能够使用基于Web的解决方法来包括与Apple一起使用的JavaScript,称为与Apple JS登录。此外,如果您已经有一个帐户和应用程序或网站通过电子邮件地址(并且存储在iCloud中),则Apple将提醒您,并为您提供使用该旧帐户的登录信息的选项。

最终,如果隐私对您很重要,并且您是Apple用户(即使您只使用iTunes/Apple Music购买歌曲或电视节目),则应通过与Apple的签名为您服务。现在,您可以使用应用程序并登录网站,而不必担心被跟踪或在不知情的情况下使用您的个人信息。
