


If you get your eyes close to a TV or projection screen, you'll see it is made up of little dots that are lined up in horizontal and vertical rows across and up and down the screen surface.

Pixel Display in screen

What Are Pixels?

The dots on a TV, video projection screen, PC monitor, laptop, or even tablet and smartphone screens, are referred to as像素

A pixel is defined as a picture element. Each pixel contains red, green, and blue color information (referred to as subpixels). The following illustration shows a close-up of subpixels.

Illustration of What LCD TV Pixels Look Like
Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain




以下是当今电视中常见分辨率的一些像素密度的示例(LCD, Plasma,,,,OLED)和视频投影仪(LCD,DLP):

规定的分辨率 水平像素计数 Vertical Pixel Count 像素密度(显示总像素计数)
480i/p 720 480 345,600
720p 1,280 720 921,600
768p 1,366 768 1,049,088
1080i/p 1,920 1,080 2,073,600
4K(消费者标准) 3,840 2,160 8,294,400
4K(电影标准) 4,096 2,160 8,847,360
8k 7,680 4,320 33,177,600


In addition to pixel density (resolution), there is another factor to take into consideration: the size of the screen displaying the pixels.

Regardless of screen size, the horizontal/vertical pixel count and pixel density don't change for a specific resolution. If you have a 1080p TV, there are always 1,920 pixels running across the screen horizontally, per row, and 1,080 pixels running up and down the screen vertically, per column. This results in a pixel density of about 2.1 million.

A 32-inch TV that displays 1080p resolution has the same number of pixels as a 55-inch 1080p TV. The same thing applies to video projectors. A 1080p video projector will display the same number of pixels on an 80 or 200-inch screen.

Pixels per Inch






TV and Video Projector Images – More Than Just Pixels

Although pixels are the foundation of how a TV image is put together, there are other things that are required to see good quality TV or video projector images.这些包括brightness, contrast, color, tint, color temperature, and other settings

Just because a TV or projected image has a lot of pixels, doesn't automatically mean you'll see the best possible image.
