本文信息适用于Yandex.Mail的网络版本。的Yandex.Mailmobile app为Android和iOS支持许多相同的功能。
当你发送电子邮件,你可以告诉Yandex。邮件看回复。如果五天没有一个答案,你提醒跟进,如果必要的。Yandex.Maillets you schedule email deliveries for later (up to a little less than one year in advance). That way, you can make sure birthday emails always arrive on time.
Yandex.Mailalso offers a large selection of free custom themes to add personality to your inbox.
而搜索工具缺乏内置运营商和复杂的过滤器,Yandex。邮件支持文件夹和标签来帮助你消息。使用过滤器,您可以设置Yandex。邮件to perform tasks automatically such as deleting certain mail and sending automatic replies. Keyboard shortcuts help you operate Yandex.Mail with greater efficiency.
Yandex.Maillets you attach any files up to 22 MB individually and 30 MB in total per email. You can also insert a link into a file you upload to the Yandex.Disk cloud service, which raises that limit to 2 GB per file.
你收到附件,Yandex。邮件offers a convenient document viewer that displays微软办公软件文件以及PDF文件在您的浏览器中。当您选择一个支持附件,它会在单独的窗口中打开。选择保存到Yandex.Disk在云中存储它。
Yandex.Mailscans all incoming mail for spam, phishing, and malware. You can also阻止发送方手动。封与其它电子邮件程序,一些信息可能时不时会发送到垃圾邮件文件夹。
Yandex.Maildoes not offer two-factor authentication for enhanced security, but a detailed activity log makes it possible to detect suspicious activity. You can even log out remote clients from the web interface.
是有可能的你的Yandex。邮件messages to other email programs和你的帐户连接到其他电子邮件客户端通过流行或IMAP。
Yandex.MailLite Version