What is HDR?



HDR似乎是每个日子都应该想要的东西。该术语在左右右转4K TVs最近,当您看到与数字和智能手机摄像机有关的情况时,您可能会认为这绝对是一件好事。但是,在摄影方面,HDR是一个特殊的技巧,并不总是具有积极的效果。


HDR stands for High Dynamic Range, and it relates to the different degrees of brightness in an image and the range between them.

When you take a photo, your camera is trying to capture a lot of information. If the scene you're shooting has very bright and very dark spots, your camera may struggle to get all of the detail your eyes readily see. In those cases, your camera will likely leave certain sections completely black or wash out bright sections in a bright white. The result is an image you may not be satisfied with.

HDR gets more detail from both bright and dark sections of an image.




Using a digital or smartphone camera's HDR setting can help get around the normal limitations in dynamic range by taking multiple photos with different exposure in quick succession. Some the photos will favor capturing the details in the darker section of the scene, while other photos will favor brighter sections. Software on the camera or phone will then combine the images into a single photo with more detail in what would have otherwise been underexposed or overexposed areas.

A normal photo and an HDR photo with visible ghosting

If you're using an HDR setting, it's important to understand how your camera is utilizing this feature. Some cameras and smartphones may create multiple files, with the final HDR photo and the photos used to create it all stored as individual files. Others may capture the photos and just create one file for the final processed image. Some cameras may also create an HDR image without taking consecutive photos, which can help avoid an issue with moving subjects.


In photography, HDR isn't something you want to use for every picture.这是哪里HDR用于电视使事情令人困惑。HDR摄影通过使明亮的部分变暗并变亮的黑暗部分来凝结图像的动态范围。在某些情况下,这有助于制造更好的图像,但也可以使照片感觉平坦。此外,如果在捕获HDR照片时正在移动的东西,则该动作会产生明显的幽灵效果。

Compare this to HDR for TVs, where the high-dynamic range is basically only an improvement. It expands the difference in brightness between the darkest parts of an image and the brightest parts, offering an increased contrast ratio. Discussions about HDR for TVs also often relate to color, but color isn't a point of differentiation between normal photography and HDR photography.
