
Most home networks are hybrid P2P networks


Klaus Vedfelt / Getty Images

Peer-to-peer networking is an approach to计算机网络其中所有计算机都在处理数据方面负有等效的责任。点对点网络(也称为对等网络)不同于客户服务器网络,特定设备负责提供或服务数据,而其他设备则消耗或以其他方式充当这些服务器的客户端。


Peer-to-peer networking is common on smalllocal area networks(LANs), particularly home networks. Both wired and wireless home networks can be configured as peer-to-peer environments.

点对点网络中的计算机运行相同networking protocolsand software. Peer network devices are often situated physically near one another, typically in homes, small businesses, and schools. Some peer networks, however, use the internet and are geographically dispersed worldwide.

使用的家庭网络broadband routers是混合点对点和客户服务器环境。路由器提供集中的Internet连接共享,但是在涉及的本地计算机之间直接管理文件,打印机和其他资源共享。


Internet-based peer-to-peer networks became popular in the 1990s due to the development ofP2Pfile-sharing networks such as Napster. Technically, many P2P networks are not pure peer networks but rather hybrid designs as they use central servers for some functions such as search.

Peer-To-Peer and Ad Hoc Wi-Fi Networks

无线上网(无线)网络支持特别指定connections between devices. Ad hoc Wi-Fi networks are pure peer-to-peer compared to those that use wireless routers as an intermediate device. Devices that form ad hoc networks require no infrastructure to communicate.

Benefits of a Peer-To-Peer Network

P2P networks are robust. If one attached device goes down, the network continues. In client-server networks, when the server goes down, it takes the entire network with it.

点对点的计算机workgroupscan be configured to allow共享文件,,,,打印机, and other resources across all devices. Peer networks allow data to be shared in both directions, whether for downloads to a computer or uploads from a computer.




Like client-server networks,peer-to-peer networks are vulnerable to security attacks

  • Because each device participates in routing traffic through the network, hackers can easily launch denial of service attacks.
  • P2P软件充当服务器和客户端,这使点对点网络比客户端服务器网络更容易受到远程攻击。
  • Data that is corrupt can be shared on P2P networks by modifying files that are on the network to introduce malicious code.